Also, I am working on some new tutus as well. You can check out tulle color availability in the picture below if you are looking for particular combinations!!!
The tutus start at $27 and go to around $40 depending on size and ribbon options. Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment if you are looking for anything special! I will be working on some birthday tutus as well as holiday/special occasion but any ideas/comments are welcome!
I have a couple of current items people have requested and have a few new retro apron patterns I am working on for my next Silly Market which will be on July 18th! I am really excited for those and can't wait to post some new pics once I get them finished...totally fabulous! I have to get busy but have taken some time off to visit with family that has been in town, celebrate our first anniversary and then my birthday! It's been a busy couple of weeks I'll tell ya...and I've LOVED every minute of it!!!
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