I have to say the first couple of weeks in July has been a whirlwind! My sister and her family came into town for the week of the 4th, we had our First Anniversary followed by my birthday week (yep...week!) and trying to get things together for back to back Silly Markets for the next two Sundays! All while trying to figure out how we already got TO the middle of July!!!
It's quite mind boggling to me. :)
I have been working on some new aprons since I was pretty much sold out and am soooo excited for the one I cut this morning and the matching pot holders!!! Too cute! I am really excited too for the fabric I just ordered.

Las Senoritas by Alexander Henry! One of my favorite purses is out of this fabric and I am excited for all the other things I will make with it! The colors are so bright and fabulous, I just absolutely love it!
Fiesta de los Muertos by Alexander Henry!!! I love this one with the guitars and the colors, the skirts and flower and bows...it's so fun! He has some of the best Folklorico style fabrics, it's hard to pick!
Although I have to say I am really starting to run out of room for all my fabric and projects...I am being overtaken!!! I cannot wait for my studio!!! I am still not sure which I am more excited for...my studio or the kitchen?!?!?!?!?!?
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