But how could he not be THE hit of the party? My husband found his rocks so his drink would be a little closer (he is so thoughtful) and I was able to make his party hat to match the tutu! FABULOUS!!!
I had a lot of fun and loved having my friends and family come and visit throughout the day and bring me lunch and snacks and of course all the fun people I got to talk to throughout the day! It was an absolutely beautiful day and I was so thankful for that!!!
I learned I need to get to work on some smaller items! I didn't have much in the way of baby/toddler inventory but will get to work and see what I can pull together for the next show. Next time we will be sharing a 10x20 tent with my friend and my husband will be there to help me out and keep me laughing during the day! =)
However, I am still attempting to figure out how I am going to get my sewing in since my sister and family is in town, it is the 4th of July, our FIRST Anniversary, and my birthday all rolled into a few days but once the hectic schedule simmers down the Head Elf will be back in her "workshop" to create more fluffy, sweet, delicious fun!!!
So many ideas...so little time!!!
(Go grab yourself a pink flamingo...they're making a comeback!!!)
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