It was a cold, snowy, crafty kind of weekend! In preparation for Thanksgiving I made matching aprons for my friend and I. According to my sister, "how Lucy and Ethel of you"! Yep, sounds about right! Unfortunately as happens, more often than I would like, I ran out of fabric for the second apron so I had to make it with 2" straps as opposed to 4". Of course, if I would have just done a narrow hem I wouldn't have run out of fabric but I just don't really like leaving the back side of the strap, naked. Call me crazy but I'm a bit neurotic like that. I drafted the pattern for the apron, which if I were to do it over, would make the skirt a bit fuller and flowy and changed the pocket but overall, still fun.

Of course, I started gathering tulle and just couldn't stop myself and then I found the ric-rac. I realized I didn't have enough red for both so just decided to do the opposite on the other. Red tulle, pink ric-rac so then we won't be like EXACTLY matchy matchy...right? Oh like I care...who am I kidding??? I'm surprised I didn't spray the whole thing with glitter...YET! Next up are matching beverage holders, got the white fuzzy boa and everything ready to go...bring on the glue and rhinestones!!!
Let's go turkey...GAME ON! ;)
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