Thursday, February 24, 2011

In My World...

"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."  hee hee...But seriously, I have no idea where that just came from!  Really though, where in the world does time go?  It seems to go into warp speed the older I get...not that I am saying I am old BUT I have gotten a little older over the years.

So many things have seemed to happen in a short amount of time.  I am getting ready to go see my niece for her FIRST birthday!  I can't believe it!  I am STILL attempting to figure out how to start up a business which I also can't quite seem to nail down the direction I want to go.  Although realizing my over-analytical skills, this could be a deterrent and probably a large reason why I am still in limbo!  That and lack of time but I am going to go with the over-analytical route.

I will say my new love has to be Pinterest!  If you have not discovered it yet, you must check it out!  At least if you are a visual nut like I am.  How can one not love collecting and organizing all sorts of images and such in one place.  It's a new visual mecca of addictive proportions!  Here are a few of the yummy collections I have started.

Ah, yes...Pretty In Pink.  I mean really...I'm in love!  And then of course there are these:
Because in my world...these are what make me, me!  Or at least would love to have them and might just need to make some of them.  I think I was born in the wrong era although with technology now I am able to discover more and more ideas and such which of course were not as available oh say 50 - 60 years ago.  But the fashion and the cars...absolutely dreamy!  Even better though might just be the advertisements from back in the day.  I don't think they would go over quite the same now.
or perhaps

I don't know about you but I'm not so sure my Christmas morning would be happier with a Hoover!
However, you have to really love the old cigarette ads.  These really throw me for a loop, where did they come up with this stuff?  I may not have the answer for that but I do know I find great entertainment in all of them I come across!

So I guess I should be thankful for being born into an age of such growing technology where I can still find and make amazing vintage fashions, discover old ads, and then share them with you!  I'd say that's pretty my world anyway!



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