Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lego my Storm Trooper...

I must be the first to admit, my head has been swimming with all sorts of things! I am thinking I might need to bust out the floaties and head for the hot tub! Which of course sounds even better with the frosty air we have going on (although I am wondering when Mother Nature will bless us with some snow)!

So recently a friend had asked me to make some Star Wars shirts for her boys (and then one for her too) and I must say, it has been fun to work on especially after trying out a new ink which I love (swooning over Speedball)! I am thinking I might have to play with the glo-in-the-dark next... I started out drawing my lego guy and was pretty happy with it...even after a bit of a Sharpie high.

Next was onto the screen. The first one turned out a bit muddy so I had to redraw the little guy and luckily the second one turned out clearer after some touch ups with my handy dandy screen filler! Unbelievable how handy it is, although kind of resembles the color of tomato aspic but that's another story entirely...

After forgetting to set the timer and having no real clue how long the screen was exposed for...oops.  I was curious to see whether this one was going to be a success or if I was going to have to head back to the drawing board.  Luckily only a few spots required a little extra love.  Onwards to play with my new silver ink...

Okay, so I swear it's not white but hard to get the silver to show up but it looks pretty cool and my fingers were all sparkly when I was done! Success! Test 1 down and ready for the "mini" production. Two down and two more to go...for now! Really, I swear it's not white, I promise! I guess I am going to have to go home and play with some lighting and try again.  


On a side note, have you ever played with the Doodle Cam app on the Iphone?  It's quite entertaining and you can do videos too.  There are different color schemes and what not to choose from which amused me for a few minutes (wondering if I need multiple things going on).  ;)

Off to finish the last two shirts and see what else I can put this guy on...



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Great Gluten Free Holiday Round-Up RESULTS!!!

After much sugar consumption and sticky fingers, Ty and friends picked a favorite gluten free dessert! The recipes came in and a top 3 were chosen! Da-da-daaahhhh!!!

Look at all that yumminess, holidays are definitely about family and friends but cookies add just a bit o' sweetness that puts it over the top!

The top 3 were (in no particular order):

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins 

Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Peppermint Marshmallow 

Filling Flour-less Peanut Butter Cookies

After many cookies and much tasting, Coree is the WINNER with her super scrumpdidlyumptious Gluten Free Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Peppermint Marshmallow Filling.  They definitely are KID APPROVED!  How fantastic do these look?  I am beginning to rethink my pumpkin icebox pie now...

For all the fun details and full recipes for the top 5 desserts, including the Chocolate Whoopie Pies,  head on over to Ty's Adventures.  You DON'T want to miss out!

Thank you to Tracy, Ty and friends for whipping up these sweet treats and picking a winner, I know it was a difficult decision!  

and Amanda at

for the $50 gift card to Whole Foods

and of course Coree will receive a kid size apron for her lil' monkey!

So head on over to tell Ty and Tracy hi and let us know what you think of all the yumminess, maybe even give you an idea and a head start for next year!  


Monday, November 21, 2011

Bird is the word...

It was a cold, snowy, crafty kind of weekend! In preparation for Thanksgiving I made matching aprons for my friend and I. According to my sister, "how Lucy and Ethel of you"! Yep, sounds about right! Unfortunately as happens, more often than I would like, I ran out of fabric for the second apron so I had to make it with 2" straps as opposed to 4". Of course, if I would have just done a narrow hem I wouldn't have run out of fabric but I just don't really like leaving the back side of the strap, naked. Call me crazy but I'm a bit neurotic like that. I drafted the pattern for the apron, which if I were to do it over, would make the skirt a bit fuller and flowy and changed the pocket but overall, still fun.

Of course, I started gathering tulle and just couldn't stop myself and then I found the ric-rac.  I realized I didn't have enough red for both so just decided to do the opposite on the other.  Red tulle, pink ric-rac so then we won't be like EXACTLY matchy matchy...right?  Oh like I care...who am I kidding???  I'm surprised I didn't spray the whole thing with glitter...YET!  Next up are matching beverage holders, got the white fuzzy boa and everything ready to go...bring on the glue and rhinestones!!!  

Let's go turkey...GAME ON!  ;)


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Something Good...

Oh Pinterest thank you for helping to remind me there is always some good in the world!  It's easy to forget about things or take them for granted but every once in a while it's nice to get a reminder that it's not all bad.

It is such a fabulous place for inspiration not only for food, or crafts, or sewing, but words of wisdom and humor.  You absolutely never know what surprises you will find!

I have definitely been trying over the last week or so to follow this one:

Some things are definitely out of our control and that is ok, I can accept that knowing there is a reason for it but then of course I have to accept that I may not actually ever discover what that reason is but again, something that I have no control over but it is what it is and there are bigger things to worry about...right???  Or am I crazy???  Could be and that's okay, I have come to terms with that and am completely happy with my craziness!!!

Most of the time I have now come to the realization that when all else fails, you have to just:

and with that, I am off to find mine...


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I was asked last week by a friend if I could fix a couple of zippers and of course instead of thinking that through first, I said 'OF COURSE'. He brought me three fleece vests and my stomach sank, I thought to myself...you mean I have to replace THREE 26" zippers??? Oh dear, what did I get myself into? ;) I proceeded to take them home and after looking at them realized they only needed the slides replaced (phew) but now, where do I find these lil' buggers. I was off to a local shop and saw this bright, happy, colorful display...I was immediately intrigued! Have you ever seen these things??? ZlideOn? They are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Plus I just like the colors of the packaging AND of course it comes from one of my very favorite countries which has provided me with many of my most favoritest things: Ikea, clogs, Daim (if you have not tried this...it is sooooooo yummy! Kind of like a Skor bar but better!), meatballs, and now...ZLIDEON

Easy as:
1.  Remove the old slider

2. Open by pushing the lower part down with your thumb and push backward until it opens.

3. Close by pressing the jaws together at the beginning of the zipper.

That's it...really, it's that quick and easy! How fabulous is that?  Doesn't come in a ton of colors but you have your basics and they come in different sizes and also in plastic, coil, metal, and invisible.  Thank you Sweden for another one of my new favorite things...I'm in love!!!  You have to give them a looksee!!!



Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Great Gluten Free Holiday Round-Up is here! I have the pleasure of teaming with two fabulous ladies for a fun recipe roundup and giveaway!  Tracy and her adorable little guy Ty from Ty's Adventure's

and Amanda from Black Sheep Bakery

We are gathering yummy gluten free dessert recipes for some hand picked littles to judge! All in time for some delicious and fun new ideas

Sooooooo...Send us your favorite KID APPROVED gluten free holiday dessert recipes. The top 3 recipes will be chosen by YOU, so be sure to check back in!

The lucky winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Whole Foods thanks to Ty's Adventures and Black Sheep Bakery  


a kid's sized apron for your mini chef made by MOI!
Who doesn't LOVE sock monkeys and gift cards???

So help us out and send us a favorite gluten free recipe for your chance to win and get more dessert ideas just in time for the holidays!
Head on over to Ty's Adventures  and get the scoop and find out what Ty is up to next!

Remember to send your recipes to tysadventures@gmail.com BEFORE 8pm (Central Time) November 19, 2011

Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend and I can't wait to see and test all the new recipes myself!!



Friday, November 11, 2011

I must admit I have a new addiction which of course also goes with respect for appliques and all the steps that go into making them! However, the end result is so stinkin' cute! I had the honor of making a dress for a friend's little girl who is turning one this month. When she asked if I could do an cupcake applique, I was giddy like a little school girl. I had just gotten the embroidery module for my machine this summer and had yet to try my hand at any appliques...technology is so cool (most of the time)! She had picked out the fabric and sent it to me so I decided to do a test run first...

Even with all the thread changing and cutting and trimming...I just sit and watch in amazement at the capability and precision this thing has. Aside from my Harley...this is also one of my babies! I am however still working on that relationship with my serger but it is a little more finicky or I am not patient enough, not sure which that might be though. ;) Anyhoo, I was off to do the "real" one for Kate! I loved the fabrics she picked out, the colors are so sweet and worked well together. 

I only wish the bib was bigger to see the fun pattern and colors in the bottom of the cupcake but still, so CUTE!!!  So the finished combo turned out well and I cannot wait to see pictures of her (keeping fingers crossed it fits!)  What do you think?

So here is the completed bib with the dress...LOVE! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful 11/11/11 and thanks to the past and present men and women who have served our great country, we would not be where we are today without you!

This weekend I am off to work on an apron for a friends blog and giveaway we have coming up, you should totally check it out! Right in time for the upcoming holidays!  Ty's Adventures


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Better late than never I always say!  I have to post the costumes I made for my niece and nephew, they crack me up!  My sister had the fabulous idea of Austin being Elvis for Halloween seeing he was born with this head of long BLACK hair!

Of course I then had to make an outfit for his big sister after realizing her favorite show and the perfect fabric I just happened to have...MINNIE MOUSE!!!

Trying to get this lil' bug to stand still for longer than a split second is a miracle which I am thankful for my sister getting this photo!  I was super excited too that she wore the ears!  She does not care for her "hair bow" as she calls it but maybe Minnie ears are more convincing! Still making me giggle seeing these pictures!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Waiting for Spring...as patiently as I can.

I understand I livin in the mountains but it is this time when I get super antsy for sunshine and warmer weather.  Looking out my window at the gray skies and white stuff that is still blanketing the ground I then venture home to my road de mud!  This is the time I wish I lived down a paved road and not one that sticks to my car like super glue!  But alas, I know the sun will eventually come out to visit and dry the mud and melt the snow and I can venture out on my bike which makes this girl so happy I could jump over the moon!  Until then I will fill my brain and day-dreams with happy colors like these...

...I'm off to day-dream my lunch break away!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Something Shiny...

I have to admit I am definitely easily distracted.  I sometimes feel like Dory on Finding Nemo by perhaps with a slightly better memory.  In the World we live in today there is so much knowledge and technology which can be good and bad I suppose, depending on how one looks at it.  I am always amazed at the things I come across on the internet followed by the thought...why didn't I think of that!? Although I then realize I did think about it but someone put it out there for those who don't have enough hours int he day or just haven't quite figured it out yet.  Example...Vanilla & Lace who posted this ever so handy and clever DIY camera purse/bag tutorial!

I have started carrying my camera around more recently, due to the fact we have officially broken ground and building is underway.  I am taking pictures once a week to see the progression of the house.  It's pretty interesting but of course only a couple of weeks in so there is definitely some time to go.

I was planning on making a bag for my camera but realized after finding the post on Vanilla & Lace I have the perfect bag I got from TJ Maxx that would fit my camera and lenses which would not only be great for capturing the weekly updates of the future structure (eeeek) but also travel.  When I have a few more hours in the day, I might actually get around to it and post some pictures.  ;)  Until then...I'm off to find something shiny! 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ol' Blue Eyes

Have to say, I miss my lil' blue eyes.  She is the sweetest little girl...and I mean little.  She is a petite one for sure but such a cutie!
I had a hard time getting pictures of her outfits I made since I left my camera on my desk at the office when I left for the weekend...genius I know!  What's a girl to do?  Thank goodness for phones, it saved the day...a little fuzzy but was glad when I realized it was the lighting and not my eyes.

She is officially 1 (but still wearing the 3-6 mos. onesie I made for her when she was born) which is now a 3/4 sleeve instead of long sleeve.  Already making a fashion statement or she's gotten Auntie Em's monkey arms.  ;)

Her tutu was perfect until of course it was time for cake, in which case it was time for wardrobe change.  A girl has to have options right???  I planned her outfit colors after I found the cutest lil' pink shoes at Carter's.  My sister was amazed she kept them on the whole time.  Must be one comfy pair of shoes!


I so love this little face!  My sister sent me a picture of her in her cupcake dress since I didn't get to see it on her at the party but she saved it for her official birthday.  I just want to eat up those cheeks!  It is so fun making outfits for her which is about all I might have time to do for a little bit as I will have quite a bit to do since we just broke ground on the house this week.  I have a feeling that will keep me busy for a little while until I can get back and kiss those lil' cheeks again! 


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