Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lego my Storm Trooper...

I must be the first to admit, my head has been swimming with all sorts of things! I am thinking I might need to bust out the floaties and head for the hot tub! Which of course sounds even better with the frosty air we have going on (although I am wondering when Mother Nature will bless us with some snow)!

So recently a friend had asked me to make some Star Wars shirts for her boys (and then one for her too) and I must say, it has been fun to work on especially after trying out a new ink which I love (swooning over Speedball)! I am thinking I might have to play with the glo-in-the-dark next... I started out drawing my lego guy and was pretty happy with it...even after a bit of a Sharpie high.

Next was onto the screen. The first one turned out a bit muddy so I had to redraw the little guy and luckily the second one turned out clearer after some touch ups with my handy dandy screen filler! Unbelievable how handy it is, although kind of resembles the color of tomato aspic but that's another story entirely...

After forgetting to set the timer and having no real clue how long the screen was exposed for...oops.  I was curious to see whether this one was going to be a success or if I was going to have to head back to the drawing board.  Luckily only a few spots required a little extra love.  Onwards to play with my new silver ink...

Okay, so I swear it's not white but hard to get the silver to show up but it looks pretty cool and my fingers were all sparkly when I was done! Success! Test 1 down and ready for the "mini" production. Two down and two more to go...for now! Really, I swear it's not white, I promise! I guess I am going to have to go home and play with some lighting and try again.  


On a side note, have you ever played with the Doodle Cam app on the Iphone?  It's quite entertaining and you can do videos too.  There are different color schemes and what not to choose from which amused me for a few minutes (wondering if I need multiple things going on).  ;)

Off to finish the last two shirts and see what else I can put this guy on...



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