Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting closer...

So my first Park Silly Sunday Market is this weekend and ready or it comes!  I have a few more items I would like to get done but if not, as my hubby keeps telling's not the end of the world!  =)

We got the concrete in the buckets and the flamingos firmly secured (even if one is a party animal and can't stand up to follow after Sunday)!  A new coat of paint and we should be good to go.  I hope all goes well but the weather is supposed to be lovely and sunny!  YIPPPEEEE!

I so wish I had a picture of the apron I just made but a friend bought it hot off the press!  I used the MM Modern Family fabric, which is the same I used in the purse below.  It turned out so stinkin' cute!  the waist and ties were orange Ta Dot and it was fabulous!  Definitely my favorite so far that is until the gnomes come out and play...


Hee hee hee...ready or I come!!!!

But most importantly...HAPPY FRIDAY!!!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

I love stuff!!!!

My sincere apologies for the delay in posting!  =)  Things have definitely been a little busy to say the least!

Let's see...I finally got my fabric (yippppeeeeee), the flamingos came but I've decided they need a fresh coat of BRIGHT pink paint! (They need a little face lift)  I received the rest of my tulle and getting ready to place another order and I've been able to get a few more items finished and definitely adding to the collection of fluffy tutus!  Today's flavors will be:  Cookies & Cream and Rainbow Sherbet!  I love, love, love it!  I think I am having way too much fun even if I am up to my eyeballs in yards and yards of delicious tulle!

So here is the stuffed rack (but my lovely husband is putting a second one together for me today) of "cotton candy" I have recently finished.

Also, seeing that I finally got my fabric in (first order went missing so they reshipped it two weeks later and finally...finally 3 weeks later I got it!) I was able to finish my little gnome dresses I had started.  I absolutely love this fabric, it makes me smile every time I see it!


I also finally got around to putting the bias trim and ties on the retro housewife half apron.  I think it turned out rather cute.  I have a few more aprons cut and will hopefully get them put together this weekend.
I have to admit, my very first show is in a little over a week and I am a wee bit nervous!  =)

So lets see...while I'm at it, here are a couple of more zippered clutches I finished and the Los Novios purse I like to call "Maggie"!


I will try and post some pictures of the new tutu flavors. Not sure which is more fun...the finished product or naming them!!! Thanks to my hubby, the newest flavor is Cookies and Cream!!! Yummmmmy!!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Peachy, delightful, lovely, charming...

So this morning I got an email with a link to an update from Fabrics I love showing a dress I made from the fabrics I purchased from her. Too cute, it made me smile! I loved those dresses I made for the twins and I hope to see them modeling the dresses soon!

Also got my labels which I mentioned earlier but so very excited about.

I think they turned out pretty well and am very excited about them.

We had our first meeting for the Silly Market yesterday and I finally ordered my canopy. I have to admit I am kind of excited although not quite sure which I am more excited for...the Market or decorating the tent. I have a couple of ideas which I think are going to turn out pretty cute and I can't wait. Of course I will post pictures but for's a surprise!!!

I absolutely LOVE surprises!!!!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

What to do...what to do...

Seeing that I could not sleep on this lovely sunny Sunday morning, I decided to finally cut and cut and cut purses, dresses, aprons, clutches...oh my! However, I think the thing I am most excited about is finally getting to put my bright, happy, colorful zippers to use! I think I had more fun picking out which ones to use with what and now can't wait to see them all put together!

I am running out of fabric though and am beginning to stress just a weeeeee bit seeing that my first show is in three weeks and the LARGE fabric order I placed 2 weeks ago has still not shown up and is missing in the bermuda triangle for mail. I'm thinking it's a bit like when you end up with one sock out of the have no idea where it went but I am hoping I can still get it in time.

On a fabulous note...I just got my new labels!!! They look great! I am so happy with them. I got them from Custom Couture Label Co. and will definitely be using them again. They have great customer service and I couldn't be happier! (plus I can start sewing again now that I have a fresh supply of new labels...pheeew!

But for is 10 o'clock, although seeing that I have been up since around 5:00, it feels more like mid afternoon ;) and it is now time for me to go play in the sunshine for a while and then head over to our friends for a cookout and the Playoffs! I love Sundays...well with the exception that Monday follows that but I am going to choose to ignore that for now! ;)



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